We have rescheduled the previous eye clinic to this May 23rd date, hope to see you there!
This year, due to Covid, there will be additional rules that apply to our eye clinic, please make note of those rules below, thank you
Eye exam by Dr. Gustavo Aguirre, DVM, PhD, PhD (hc), Diplomat, ACVO
In Portuguese Water Dogs there are two forms of PRA as well as other eye diseases that cause blindness.
All owners of Portuguese Water Dogs are encouraged to have their dog’s eyes tested regularly; annually for breeding dogs, and every 2-3 years for non-breeding dogs. The non-breeding dogs are as important to the breed’s long term eye health as the breeding dogs. If and when a genetic eye problem is found in the a non breeding animals it is important notify the breeder and club pwdca.eye.committee@gmail.com
Routine eye exams provide the knowledge about the overall eye health of the breed, as well as provide you with an understanding of your dog’s eye health.
The Exam
The OFA ECR exam is a general eye exam that screens for genetic and non‐genetic abnormalities in your dog’s eyes.
The eye screening exam is performed approximately 20 minutes after pupil-dilating drops are placed in your dog’s eyes. The drops are not painful, but your dog’s eyes may be light-sensitive for up to eight hours.
The ophthalmologist will examine your dog’s eyes in a darkened room. The exam takes only a few minutes.
All dogs in show, performance, and pet homes, should have their eyes examined regularly.
Dogs with normal test results are eligible for OFA-ECR registration certificate that is valid for 12-months.
There will be a limit of 45 dogs this year.
Rules for Exam:
- Absolutely no one will be permitted in the building with the exception of the assigned workers.
- You must check in with the person at the desk, located in the easy up or tent.
- There will be people available upon check in to put the drops in the dog’s eyes at your car.
- We are unable to accept any walk-ins or additional dogs. Pre entry only.
- There will not be any bathrooms available. (I am checking with Country Companions to see if they will allow people to use the bathrooms)
- The paperwork will be filled out by the Doctor and put into a sealed envelope and returned to the owner along with their dog. If there is a problem with the exam the doctor will call you on your cell phone.
- Do not enter if your dog cannot be handled by one of the runners.
- Anyone entered must wear a mask when in contact with anyone.
- When the dog’s eyes are dropped the time will be entered and the dog will be examined 30 minutes from the drop time.
- Breeds requiring a double exam will not be examined at this time.
- If you are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID please do not come to the clinic. Contact Barbara Weisman 609-273-9960 and we will have your money refunded
- There will be no beverages or food available for workers or attendees.
- All workers in the building will wear a face mask, gown and face shield. The gowns and face shields will be provided by the club.
- A box lunch will be provided for the Doctors and volunteers.
- This will be a pre-paid clinic only, we will not have the ability to accept any type of payment on the day of the clinic. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS.
Contact Barb Weisman at Barbie@seaangels.net or
609-273-9960 with any questions.